Practice to Advisory Business Conversion Programme

In the classic Professional Practice Structure, the owner handles all the management issues while the practitioners process the client work until their capacity is overtaken and growth stalls. Or, to keep growing they decide to share equity and revenue with co-managing partners.

Aside from the conflicts arising from power sharing, founder wealth is diluted proportionate to growth as more and more is shared out until the founder exits a big practice with little more to their name than if they had stayed small and in full control. 

The way for a small practice to handle this is through Fractional Management.

Each of the six roles is allocated to the person who shows the most interest or aptitude for the subject whilst continuing to be a fee earner.

An alternative growth model is by profit centring where a practice has several business streams. In this example, ambitious individuals from the core team are developed to take these leadership roles and expert outsiders can be appointed especially where growing by acquisition.  

Runagood® is the only business consultancy that specialises in accountant practices. We understand them and their owners and can import successful methods from across industry, to enhance performance.  

For a free discussion, explanation of how we work, pricing and ROI book it here