Consultancy Product Four

Getting a business performing better 

When your client accepts that they don’t have the internal resources to:  

  1. Fix a problem   

  2. Realise an ambition  

They can choose to live with it (as most do) or get your help... 

There are only six problems:  

  1. Not getting enough new clients 

  2. Not getting revenue from existing clients

  3. Operating inefficiently

  4. Unproductive people

  5. Unprofitable

  6. Business not worth anything   

So run a Business Dashboard® assessment to measure the gaps…


…and download a plan to close them which will set… 

Objectives for

  • £New client revenue  

  • £Repeat sales 

  • %Operating efficiency 

  • £People productivity  

  • £Profits  

  • £Cashflow? 

  • £Practice value   

Then establish a… 


When the business has achieved perfection what it will enable the owners to do with their lives. The 5–10-year goal that directs their personal life. 


What the business does, for whom and to what standard. The everyday purpose of its existence that drives the business direction and values.  


How each Objectives will be achieved – the clever (tech) bit  

Action Plans 

How the Strategies will be achieved - who does what and when – another clever (tech) bit. 


The investment needed and the sales and margins to justify it. 

Management accounts 

Tracking and comparing the monthly budget to take corrective action as trends develop. 

KPI reports 

Weekly early warnings of pre finance trends for quick corrective action. 


This gets a business as big and as profitable as wanted. It works because this is what the big businesses do. That’s how they got big, it’s no accident. 


And when you’ve mastered this you’ll never be short of revenue.  

Book a free benchmark assessment here to get you started. 

More practical stuff from Runagood®